RE: <FIG> implies <P>?

>>>The FIG tag is a paragraph tag itself.
>>>It implys the content is a paragraph on its own.
>>>It cannot go into another paragragh like the IMG tag can.
>>Yes, but *why*.   There's no logical reason at all why a figure should
>>be a separate paragraph. Wouldn't it be far better to _not_ have
>>fig as an implicit paragraph and allow authors to explicitly
>>denote a fig (ie.,within <p></p> ) if the semnatics of their document
>>demand it.

>It seems to me that what Ping is objecting to is not really that <FIG> implies
>a paragraph break, but that the browser he is using (Arena) renders this by
>inserting vertical white space. His objection is not really based on HTML
>semantics, but on stylistic issues. He doesn't want to see the flow of the text
>broken up just because a figure is needed, which is a valid concern.
>I expect this can be gotten around largely by using style sheets. For example,
>one could have something like this:
>   <P class="before.figure">
>   In 1863 Abraham Lincoln delivered an address on the battlefield at
>   Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
>   <FIG align=right src="gettysburg.jpg">Text of gettysburg address</FIG>
>   <P class="after.figure">
>   He began this address with the now-famous phrase <quot>Four score and
>   seven years ago, our forefathers brought forth on this continent a new
>   nation</quot>
>The style for P.before.figure could suppress the trailing line break and the
>style for P.after.figure could suppress the leading line break and

The trouble with this example is it take a block of text which is clearly
one paragraph and makes it two thus changeing the structure of the content.

Justin Greene : :
Greene COMMUNICATIONS Design, inc., Internet Development Group
216 West 18th St., Floor 12 : New York City : 10011 : 212-242-9308

Received on Thursday, 13 July 1995 12:10:04 UTC