Error Report for HTML 4.0 Specification

Two errors spotted:

In 9.3.2 the escape sequence shown for a line feed (&#x00OA) is
incorrect, it should be &#x000A.  However, in the character set this is
being written in, the digit zero and the capital letter oh are rendered
with the same glyph.  In the character set my browser uses to display
the document, and in the character set my printer uses to print the
document, it is easy to see that what is supposed to be a third digit
zero is instead the capital letter oh.

In B.10.1 the last sentence ends "... and store the it appropriately." 
This does not parse.  Either the "the" or the "it" needs replacing or

Not an error, but a complaint.  In Index of Attributes, the table can
not be printed on 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper with margins, it is too wide
to include the Comment column using the default character set my printer
used for printing other parts of the specification.  The easiest way for
printing the entire table seems to be to download it and use a word
processor to decrease the font size and adjust the table width to fit a
page.  Seems you didn't follow your own advice about tables.

Other than the above, a good document.

C. Wortz

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 1998 13:11:07 UTC