Re: [ANN] A new live XForms example: the "DMV Forms" sample application


First, thanks!

Now regarding your question, the document returned to the browser *IS* 
HTML. So yes, the behavior is correct! And no, it does not include 
XForms elements.

It is true that we could have returned XHTML (with the issue that IE 
doesn't really understand it, but kind of tolerates it in certain 
circumstances), but still, the markup would not contain any XForms 
elements, and the benefit is not clear.

The reason is the way the OPS hybrid (or "server-side") XForms 
implementation works: it does take XHTML + XForms as input, but then 
translates that into (X)HTML + JavaScript + whatever is necessary for 
regular web browsers to display the page and react to the user's actions 
through Ajax.

We had a talk last year at XTech about the basics of this technology, 
which we have since developed into OPS 3.0:

I hope this clarifies the situation a little bit!


Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Nice little application you show us there. I have one question (as an 
> XForms beginner). Your pages are returned using "text/html" and follow 
> the HTML 4 DTD while including XForms element. Is it a correct way to 
> return an XForms document? I mean I would have thought it should be 
> either application/xml or application/xhtml+xml and follow the XHTML DTD 
> instead so that the user agent know it deals with XML all the way through.
> Is it a correct behavior?
> - Sylvain
> Erik Bruchez a écrit :
>> All,
>> We are glad to announce a new XForms example that runs on the open
>> source Orbeon PresentationServer (OPS) 3.0 platform.
>> The "DMV Forms" sample application shows how to implement dynamic web
>> forms "the right way" with XForms and services. It is based on a
>> real-life form, namely a California Department of Motor Vehicles form.
>> You can access the live version online:
>> You can also check out the complete announcement in our blog, which
>> details the aspects of XForms covered by the sample application:
>> The source is available with downloads of OPS, or you can browse it
>> from the "View Source" tab at:
>> More information about Orbeon PresentationServer can be found here:
>> As always, feedback is welcome.
>> Enjoy!
>> -Erik Bruchez, Orbeon

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 20:01:47 UTC