Re: AW: Bindings to non-existing instance:data

It is intended that an XForm should normally have initial instance data, which may not have any values in it but provides structure for the values to be saved into. As you have discovered, this is not very clear in the spec. The only way to know this is to figure it out from section 4.2.5 (see my note 


>>> "Roman Huditsch" <> 12/02/02 07:21AM >>>
What I want to do is the following: 
I would like to define some input field like:
<xforms:input ref="topicmap/topic/topicName">
    <xforms:label>Topic Name:</xforms:label>
<xforms:input ref=" topicmap/topic/@id">
    <xforms:label>Topic ID:</xforms:label>
Is it possible to define somehow that as soon as the user has done some input on these fields the according elements (or attributes) in the instance are created ?

Received on Monday, 2 December 2002 10:00:31 UTC