- From: Alex Rosen <arosen@novell.com>
- Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 07:30:51 -0600
- To: <www-forms@w3.org>
Here are some comments that I have regarding the 8/21 XForms spec, after wrestling with it for a month. Hope they are helpful. Alex Rosen Novell, Inc. 3.3: It seems obvious in retrospect, but I initially had no idea why you'd want to put actions in the model, since I'm still getting used to the XML Events mechanism. Adding something like "... for example to handle events that occur on the model" would be nice. 3.3.3: <submission replace="all'> is confusing - "replace" sounds like it's telling the server what to do with the instance data that we're sending, like replace the previous values or something. Every other submission attribute describes how to send the data to the server, but this one is different, it describes what to do with the server's response. Something like "response-action" would be more immediately obvious. 4: "default processing" is not defined here. It presumably is refering to the "default action" in the XML Events spec, but even if the names matched this is not clear to those of us who are not that familiar with XML Events. A pointer to that spec for the definition of default processing would help. I also think that XML Events spec is very unclear in this area. A brief explanation of what "default processing" means, and when conceptually it takes place, would be helpful. E.g. here are my guesses at the details that I think are missing from the XML Events spec: - The default processing/action takes place after the capture phase, and before the bubble or target phase. - Therefore, you can prevent the default processing from occurring in the capture phase, and you can react to the results of the default processing in the bubble or target phase. - If the event doesn't bubble, then it has a target phase instead of a bubble phase, the only difference being that the only observer that's notified in the target phase is the target object. - An event might not have a bubble phase because... why? - If you stop propogation of an event during the capture phase, then the default processing doesn't take place, but in the bubble or target phase it's too late. If you cancel the default action in the capture phase of the target object, then the default processing doesn't take place, but anywhere else this has no effect, including in the capture phase of any ancestors of the target. (Why is that? Or maybe in XML Events there can be a default action at each point in the chain, but in the example there's only a default action that takes place on the <a> element? Not clear to me.) 4.2.1: "that is used instead" - slightly unclear - sounds kind of like you might be saying that the inline instance is used as the XPath data model. Should clarify that you mean that the XPath data model is constructed from the inline instance. 4.2.2: How is the XPath data model constructed from the instance data in the previous step, if the instance data hasn't been created until just now? Also, should say that step 2 is skipped if no instance data is specified in the model node. 4.2.5: It took a close reading of this section of the spec to realize that most XForms should have initial instance data. Several of us did not think this at first - we thought that XForms provided a nice mechanism for creating the initial instance data from the XPaths, so why bother? I actually assumed that QName in step 1B really meant LocationPath, or some subset of LocationPath, because otherwise (1) you could only refer to the root element, which was useless, and (2) you couldn't create even moderately complex documents with nested elements. It had to be explained to me that (1) the context node at this point is the root element, so a QName will actually refer to a child of the root element, and (2) this entire process was actually intended for backward-compatibility, to be used along with application/x-www-form-urlencoded, to work with existing servlets etc. that will process the data, and (3) because of this, it is intended that a XForm should always contain initial instance data, except when used in this backwards-compatible way. Mentioning these things explicitly would provide the kind of background rationale can sometimes save a lot of head scratching. 4.3.5: Before xforms-ui-initialize, this seems to say that you don't have to do step 3 - does that imply that you have to do the other two steps? I don't think they have any effect without step 3, so I assume not, but it should be more clear. 8.1.5: Should make it clear whether the text that gets output should be interpreted as markup - e.g. if you're using XHTML and it outputs the text "<a href=...>" should it create a link, not create a link, or is it up to the implementation? 9.3.6: "Required XPath expression evaluated to determine insert location." - copy/paste error, this is delete not insert. G.1: xmlns:xsd is needlessly defined in this example. G.2: xmlns:my and xmlns:xsd are needlessly defined in this example. Lastly, I have to agree with John Keiser, near the top of http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-forms/2002Sep/0196.html. The large number of very similar events is very confusing. Specifically I'm talking about all the initialize events, and the refresh/rebuild/revalidate/recalculate events, which I can never keep straight. What good is the rebuild event to the user, and how do we explain the difference between it and recalculate?
Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 09:32:12 UTC