Re: AW: Bindings to non-existing instance:data

Greetings, I'm afraid the answer is a short one, "no".

Regards, Roland

"Roman Huditsch" <>
02/12/2002 12:21

        To:     Roland Merrick/UK/IBM@IBMGB
        cc:     <>
        Subject:        AW: Bindings to non-existing instance:data


What  I want to do is the following: 
I  would like to define some input field like:
<xforms:input ref="topicmap/topic/topicName">
    <xforms:label>Topic  Name:</xforms:label>
<xforms:input ref="topicmap/topic/@id">
    <xforms:label>Topic  ID:</xforms:label>
Is  it possible to define somehow that as soon as the user has done some 
input on  these fields the according elements (or attributes) in the 
instance are created 
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Roland Merrick  []
Gesendet: Montag, 2. Dezember  2002 12:07
An: Roman Huditsch
Betreff: Re: Bindings to non-existing  instance:data

Greetings  Roman, the section describing the xforms-form-control-initialize Event  describes what happens. 
[ ] 

There are two basic situations which can  lead to there being no instance 
data node for the UI element to bind  to. 

1) No <instance> was  supplied in which case an instance data node will be 
created when the UI  element is initialised. 
2) There is an  <instance> but there is nothing for the UI element to bind 
to, in this  case the UI control should behave as if it was bound to a 
non-relevant  node.

Regards, Roland 

"Roman Huditsch"  <> 
Sent by: 

02/12/2002 10:25 

        To:         <> 
         Subject:        Bindings to non-existing  instance:data 



I have quite a short  question. I thought that I read it somewhere in the 
spec but I couldn't find  the passage again.
What happens if I refer from a xform control to an  element in my 
xforms:instance, which doesn't yet exist? Is it (the instance 
element)created when the user fills in the form  control?

Or do I have to define a trigger,  whichs creates the needed instance 
elements before?


Roman Huditsch  (hRHU )
Developer .:. Information & Application  Engineering
hico  Informations- und Kommunikations-Management Gesellschaft m.b.H.
TechLab,  Thomas A. Edison Straße 2.
A-7000 Eisenstadt / Austria
phone:  +43/2682/704-61-73; fax: +43/2682/704-71-61-10
mobile: +43/664/4102715 

#### Roman Huditsch.vcf has been  removed from this note on December 02 
2002 by Roland Merrick 

Received on Monday, 2 December 2002 08:16:54 UTC