- From: Sylvain Galineau <sylvaing@microsoft.com>
- Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 15:39:34 +0000
- To: Håkon Wium Lie <howcome@opera.com>, John Hudson <tiro@tiro.com>
- CC: "www-font@w3.org" <www-font@w3.org>
> From: www-font-request@w3.org [mailto:www-font-request@w3.org] On > Behalf Of Håkon Wium Lie > Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 1:31 AM > To: John Hudson > Cc: www-font@w3.org > Subject: Re: Including WOFF in ACID3 > > John Hudson wrote: > > > If Acid 3 were to be changed at this late stage, I'd recommend > removing > > both the TTF test and the SVG font test. > > Indeed, one good reason for not making changes at this stage is that > it will lead to more change requests. Really ? "The test is old enough to need some changes but if we don't take them then no one will ask for them" ? Really ? Is that what happen with browsers and standards ? Ignore change requests so they stop coming ? This particular change does not affect the results of the test. It just makes it relevant and up to date. If that doesn't matter, so be it. > This will cause much > discussions, and much work. Please. You're causing the discussion by objecting on dubious grounds. The change is trivial: change one single line, serve one more file. I very much doubt that constitutes 'much work' for someone like Ian Hickson. And you still require approval by browser vendors anyway. And since *you*, according to Ian, have a right of veto you remain in control. > It's better to direct energy to making new > test levels, just like we do for specifications. So the next version will use WOFF, yes ? > > I'd like to see Acid 4 limit itself to actual W3C web > recommendations. > > That would make the test much less valuable for interoperability > purposes. For example, JavaScript is essential for today's web apps > and it's not a W3C Rec. The same goes for TTF/OpenType, the payload > which WOFF carries. Data URLs were also opposed by one vendor for this > reason. If WOFF carries it there is no need to test it separately. > > One of the strengths of the Acid tests it that they can test > comprehensive designs which require the crossing of organizational > borders. They can, but it's rather arguable whether they actually do. ACID3 was a collection of individual bug repros with a score that became a proxy for conformance through clever marketing and general misunderstanding. Of course now that IE effectively passes it its authors downplay its importance. Shocker, that.
Received on Friday, 15 October 2010 15:40:13 UTC