Re: Not replacing OTF/TTF linking

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Ricardo Esteves<> wrote:
> Supose that we have Format 1, that works in Browser A, B and C and
> Format 2 that works in Browser B, D and E.
> So Foundry/Vendor X can analyze the Pros and Cons involved and decide
> to licence its fonts using Format 1, Format 2, or both maybe. For now,
> I'm beta-testing everything that is possible.

No, from an author's (that is, *my*) perspective, that's the situation
we have today, and it's horrible.  If we have Format 1 and Format 2,
but neither is interoperably supported, then it's still a giant hassle
to deal with, one that I probably don't even want to bother with if I
can avoid it.

Multiple formats are fine, as long as they each have reasonably full
interop.  Anything else is absolutely useless and not worth the time


Received on Monday, 10 August 2009 13:47:09 UTC