EOT-Lite and ZOT Firefox test build available

I've set up a test build of Firefox with support for both EOT-Lite and ZOT formatted font files:


This is built on our latest trunk code, so it will have bugs but it should be reasonably stable.  There are versions for all three platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux).  Both TTF and CFF fonts are supported.

I didn't implement the version number check since that's still under discussion and tools like the one from Ascender produce other versions.  So any version number will work currently but that won't be the case once consensus is reached on the version number to use.

Here are some test pages I've set up using a variety of fonts, both TTF and CFF:


For each test there's an EOT-Lite version, a ZOT version and a direct link version using the TTF/OTF font.

There's also a Python script, eotlitetool.py, which I used to generate the EOT-Lite fonts.  It generates an EOT font with version 2.1, which may differ from the version number used eventually.  For now, it will work in either the FF test build or IE.  For example, to generate myfont.eotlite from myfont.ttf:

  $ eotlitetool.py myfont.ttf  

A couple of the fonts are CFF fonts so those won't work in IE.  Gentium won't work in IE8/Win 7 due to a regression bug in the t2embed library; as part of a Windows security patch the decision was made to not load fonts with more than 5K in a name table record, which includes fonts like Gentium which includes the entire Open Font License text in the license name record.

Let me know if you run into problems.  The builds will be available until the end of next week, at which point I'll probably update them.  As noted previously, this is just an experimental build, it does not guarantee inclusion in a future version of Firefox.


John Daggett
Mozilla Japan

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2009 13:40:16 UTC