RE: Supporting EOT-Lite

>From: [] On Behalf
>Of Håkon Wium Lie

>So, I wouldn't conclude that the use of IE is due to EOT.

Of course you wouldn't :)

But I'm not sure that was the main conclusion. Rather, that web fonts
are used in India, in a format compatible with one of the proposals
currently on the table, and that it may take much longer than we westerners
assume for other browsers (including newer versions of IE) to reach users. As
a result of which a brand new format may be relatively less attractive and useful
in some regions.

Also, India is very large and web usage patterns as well as favorite web sites
seem to vary a great deal. That this site gives up on a format or enables a new
feature may say more about its target users than the overall market.

I thought Opera Mini supported one font in various sizes + a monospace font ?
This would indicate typographic expectations on a phone are different than
on a PC. I know I would not be happy if my laptop started rendering text like a Nokia...

Received on Saturday, 1 August 2009 14:31:46 UTC