Re: I expect all foundries to start offering web font licenses within 6 months.

2009/7/15 Thomas Phinney <>:
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 7:19 AM, Dave Crossland<> wrote:
>> I expect all foundries to start offering web font licenses within 6 months.
> Urm, over-react much?

That several of the dudes on this list, including myself, are
excitable twentysomething geeks seems par for the course, bro :-)

> Not EOT, but EOT Lite.

Right; Bill David has said in that "We have made
clear our position not to license raw TTF and OTF fonts for use with
@font-face in websites."

I look forward to reading what their license text actually says, of course.

> for anybody to assume this
> represents any kind of consensus or common approach font vendors are
> converging on would be pretty silly.

The consensus is formed like this:

1. I am the boss at a foundry. I like revenue.

2. Today I see

3. At ATypI I see Peter Bilak spin up in his new Ferrari, having made
banked ridiculous revenues from all the web publishers gushing over
how cool web fonts are, and who are sad that most foundries won't sell
to them, and happy to wave money at Peter because he is a savvy
business man.

4. I pay someone to copy his obfuscation system for me because Peter
missed a trick and ain't licensing copies to his competitors.

5. At the next type conference, those foundry bosses less savvy than
me get to look at my Porche.

> There's no there there. Not yet, anyway. Sure, it *could* turn out to
> be the beginning of the tide turning, but there's no evidence yet.


Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2009 22:20:13 UTC