RE: Fonts WG Charter feedback

On Thursday, July 02, 2009 10:07 AM Mikko Rantalainen wrote:
> If compression is considered important, then the server administrator
> can just enable HTTP Content Encoding with gzip and/or deflate. If
> deflate and gzip methods (that are commonly implemented by user
> are not good enough for fonts, then I suggest asking user agent and
> server software vendors to implement additional methods. Nothing
> prevents implementing e.g. lzma or bzip2 methods for transfer
> As such methods have high compression ratios, have publicly available
> implementations and are suitable for other files but fonts,
> such new compression method to be used with just fonts would be

Who said anything about restricting new compression methods to fonts? 
However, I do believe that using the intelligent font compression would
bring better results (in term of compression efficiency), and modifying
MTX e.g. to use LZMA compression with the existing pre-processor that
optimizes font data to remove redundancy could be a killer combination.
It is feasible that W3C Fonts WG would develop a new technology standard
that could be used in many other areas as well, where font embedding is


> --
> Mikko

Received on Thursday, 2 July 2009 16:05:51 UTC