RE: Fonts WG Charter feedback

Also sprach Levantovsky, Vladimir:

 > > It's more likely that we will see a format war along the lines of
 > > BlueRay/HD-DVD or EOT/TrueDoc. In these battles, there are no winners,
 > > but many losers.
 > I agree, with the only correction that we *are seeing* the format
 > (or the browser) war right now

That's a fair point -- authors today have to provide dual formats to
reach both IE and the others.

However, it seems that EOT is not actively maintained -- neither on
the creator (WEFT) nor consumer (IE) side -- so it may fade out by
itself. There is no need for steamrollers. 

 > On the other hand, not doing anything as
 > you proposed will only prolong this format war and pave the way for
 > third-party solutions such as sIFR, Cufon and TypeKit.

>From reading the TypeKit blog [1], it seems they will use the CSS
syntax and provide automatic conversion to EOT. This seems like a
pragmatic, standards-based approach that will reach most users.
Without a new format.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 29 June 2009 22:16:57 UTC