- From: Erik van Blokland <evb@knoware.nl>
- Date: Wed, 4 Sep 96 15:01:22 +0200
- To: "typetalk" <typetalk@hookup.net>, "Typo-L" <TYPO-L@IRLEARN.UC>, "w3" <www-font@w3.org>
Introducing the digital FontFont specimen, FontFontFinder. Text and characterset showings of all FontFonts, up to date information on the newest releases, where to order, details on FontFonts and their designers. Now showing on: http://www.fontfont.de (bring an animated-gif savvy browser!) The site is maintained by FontShop International erik van blokland, LettError: Typestuff letterror http://www.letterror.com typelab http://www.dol.com/TypeLab/ NEW: fontfont http://www.fontfont.de
Received on Thursday, 5 September 1996 13:08:18 UTC