Nicely rendered text on the web - my way (was Re: Pixelfonts)

i wrote a program which exists as a CGI script
it connects to an X11 font server and creates the appropriate bitmap
which is cached and then sent down to the client

when a request comes in, the parameters which define the bitmap (text string, 
rendering information, etc) are MD5 hashed. if the bitmap exists in the cache 
then that is returned, else the above process is used to create the bitmap 
(via the font server)

this will work with any browser
the product is a commercial offering - but anyone with half a brain and the 
will to do so, can re-create the solution

i use it to create heading and buttons "on the fly"
examples can be seen at
i have been running this software for about 18 months now

a paper that i presented at the NLUUG conference in Ede last November on the 
io suite of programs (which include iofont and iobutton) can be found at:

my contribution to the debate

Received on Monday, 12 August 1996 06:27:57 UTC