Re[2]: pixel fonts

     There is a market for pixel based fonts within memory constrained 
     devices, however.....  For collaborative documents the world went with 
     scalable type already for products like Envoy and Acrobat. The web 
     already makes use of scalable fonts by referencing the FONT-FACE= tag 
     like in Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. I is almost 
     impossible to move towards bitmaps again.  
     Glen Rippel 

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Subject: Re: pixel fonts
Author: at huxleypo
Date:    8/8/96 2:54 PM

On Aug 8,  7:39pm, Erik van Blokland wrote:
> Actually, the pixelfont document has been extended a bit. 
Not since I made my comments. I see from your document:
  Last Modified:       Thursday, 08-Aug-96 01:13:12 GMT
The main substance of the argument seems to be not that pixelfonts are 
good, but that outline fonts on the Web are bad. You seem to take the 
position that outline fonts should only be used by phototypesetting 
bureaux, everyone else should use bitmaps to ensure that they don't 
copy outline fonts.  So you don't much care to define what pixelfonts 
might mean or how they might be used, just that people shouldn't use 
outline fonts on the Web.
Would that be a fair summary?
Chris Lilley, W3C                          [ ] 
Graphics and Fonts Guy            The World Wide Web Consortium              INRIA,  Projet W3C                       2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93 
+33 93 65 79 87            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Thursday, 8 August 1996 19:17:06 UTC