www-dom@w3.org from October to December 2015 by subject

[admin] Web Platform WG is the new WebApps

[Bug 14828] Import Hixie's tests?

[Bug 19771] Need way to determine what keys are supported on device.

[Bug 20660] DOMTokenList list of tokens isn't properly initialised

[Bug 21083] Proposal key names for Android

[Bug 21120] Define TV or A/V remote controller's keys

[Bug 21121] Define mobile phone related keys

[Bug 21136] Define Home key and Back key of Android smartphone

[Bug 21137] Define key names for game controller of Android

[Bug 21830] KeyboardEvent.locale is too general.

[Bug 22569] MouseEvent should have DOMString pseudoElement property like TransitionEvent

[Bug 23259] Expose ticks in wheel events

[Bug 23907] How do web apps distinguish if a keydown event causes text input?

[Bug 25485] D3E and corelation with DOM4(W3C)/DOM(WHATWAG) and DOM3 Core

[Bug 25655] Proposal for UIEvent "role" property

[Bug 26609] AttrExodus: investigate child nodes of attributes and attributes being nodes

[Bug 28109] Inconsistent argument naming in createElementNS and createAttributeNS

[Bug 29166] New: Fragment serializing algorithm has wrong behaviour for passing node

[Bug 29174] New: ProcessingInstruction node is correct (as context) for Range.createContextualFragment() method

[Bug 29175] New: Special rules for HTML element in HTML document for Element.insertAdjacentHTML() are necessary?

[Bug 29276] Expose modern 'wheel' event parameters (inertial scrolling, direction inversion)

[Bug 29276] New: Expose modern 'wheel' event parameters (inertial scrolling, direction inversion)

[dom] _Which_ unit of related similar-origin browsing contexts?

[dom] Behaviour for pointerBeforeReferenceNode when all nodes do not pass filtration

[dom] DOMTokenList/DOMSettableTokenList and associated attribute or attribute’s local name

[dom] Exception in DOMTokenList.add() and DOMTokenList.remove() algo

[dom] Formatting attributes and methods in prose

[dom] getElementsByTagName needs to be clearer on when the same object can or can't be returned

[dom] Missing references for class Elements members description.

[dom] Pull Request: Fix #63: Ban insertNode() of Range's start node

[dom] Pull Request: Fix #94: using only lowercase in all id's.

[dom] Use only lowercase for all ids.

[dom] Using [Exposed=Window]

[dom] When iterator collection is set?

Brief update on UIEvent key testing

caps lock state

Post TPAC telecon for UI Events.

Repos and specs Re: [admin] Web Platform WG is the new WebApps

UI Events call reminder for tomorrow

UI Events telco tomorrow

UI Events Telco tomorrow.

UI Events Telecon tomorrow.

Web Applications Working Group now Closed; join the Web Platform Working Group (Call for Participation)

Last message date: Monday, 14 December 2015 20:09:17 UTC