Post TPAC telecon for UI Events.

Hey folks,

Let's get together and debrief after our TPAC meetings!

*         Spec Editor's draft<>

*         Github Repo<>

*         Github Issues<>

*         IRC: Please login to #webapps (irc://

*         Wiki<>: Notes and previous minutes

Call-in details:

Join WebEx meeting<> Meeting number: 647 802 277

*         Meeting password: dom3events

Join by phone

*         +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number

*         Access code: 647 802 277

*         Mobile Auto Dial: +1-617-324-0000,,,647802277#

Time and Day of Week:

*        Tue 17:00 Seattle / San Francisco

*        Wed 9:00 Tokyo

*        Wed 1:00 UTC

*        Wed 2:00 Paris

*        Duration = 60 minutes

Received on Monday, 2 November 2015 22:32:21 UTC