Re: caps lock state

Check out

It should be supported or at least in Chrome's case is making its way
through the release channels.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Rob Garrison <> wrote:

> Hi!
> There is no way to determine the actual state of a caps lock key. I would
> like
> to request an enhancement of the event object to include the caps lock
> state:
> ```js
> document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
>   if ( event.capsLock ) {
>     alert( 'caps lock on!' );
>   }
> });
> ```
> This basic method targets the "a" through "z" and capital "A" through "Z"
> characters to make a comparison. This method does not include accented
> characters that would be available on non-U.S. or international keyboards,
> and it can only be used during a "keypress" event. "keypress" is the
> only event in which `event.charCode` returns accurate values.
> ```js
> document.addEventListener( 'keypress', function( event ) {
>   var k = event.charCode;
>   // ASCII uppercase A = 65; ascii uppercase Z = 90
>   if ( ( ( k >= 65 && k <= 90 ) && !event.shiftKey ) ||
>        // ASCII lowercase a = 97; ASCII lowercase z = 122
>        ( ( k >= 97 && k <= 122) && e.shiftKey ) ) {
>     alert( 'caps lock on!' );
>   }
> });
> ```
> I know modern keyboards are starting to replace the caps lock key with a
> control key, but I think this would still be a useful addition.
> Thanks for your attention.

Received on Monday, 14 December 2015 20:09:17 UTC