Re: [dom] Should the return values of getElementsByClassName/TagName/TagNameNS be HTMLCollection

On 2/18/12 3:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 09:17:52 +0100, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
>> I really think that the whole named getter issue is something that we
>> should not take lightly. It has many similarities with the scope chain
>> issue for on* attributes in that it causes namespace collisions making
>> it hard to add features in the future.
>> It seems to me that we should at least try to avoid propagating the
>> named getter behavior any further, and ideally try to actively
>> deprecate it to see if it's possible.
> Named getters are nice for authors, and besides, it was already pointed
> out it's not avoidable here:

That's true, but Jonas raises a good point: we should certainly not add 
a named getter to .childNodes, say.


Received on Saturday, 18 February 2012 17:12:36 UTC