Re: "Re: Two tiny questions"

On Mar 19, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:

> Hi,
> on 3/19/2004 5:17 PM Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
>> On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 10:08, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> there are two tiny questions burning under my fingernails:
>>> 1. Does anyone has a definition at hand about what to return if
>>>   DOMImplementationSource.getDOMImplementation was called with an 
>>> empty
>>>   (or just whitespaces containing) "features" argument?
>> I would propose null as a return value.
> Ok, although if no feature was specified one could tend to misinterpret
> this in the form of: "no features required, so it will give me any
> implementation". A tiny hint in the specs would be helpful here.

Currently, Xerces-J will interpret an empty features list as "no 
features required" and will return the first available implementation 
for getDOMImplementation and every available implementation for 
getDOMImplementationList.  I believe that behavior is consistent with 
the spec.  If you start out with a long features list on a call to 
getDOMImplementationList and start removing features, you will always 
get the same or larger set of implementations.  It would be 
inconsistent that removing the last feature would clear the list.  I've 
got two tests on tap (one each for getDOMImplementation and 
getDOMImplementationList) that I'll commit to the test suite unless 
there are any objections.

Received on Friday, 19 March 2004 15:29:14 UTC