"Re: Two tiny questions"'


on 3/19/2004 9:29 PM Curt Arnold wrote:
> On Mar 19, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:
>>on 3/19/2004 5:17 PM Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
>>>On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 10:08, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:
>>>>there are two tiny questions burning under my fingernails:
>>>>1. Does anyone has a definition at hand about what to return if
>>>>  DOMImplementationSource.getDOMImplementation was called with an 
>>>>  (or just whitespaces containing) "features" argument?
>>>I would propose null as a return value.
>>Ok, although if no feature was specified one could tend to misinterpret
>>this in the form of: "no features required, so it will give me any
>>implementation". A tiny hint in the specs would be helpful here.
> Currently, Xerces-J will interpret an empty features list as "no 
> features required" and will return the first available implementation 
> for getDOMImplementation and every available implementation for 
> getDOMImplementationList.  I believe that behavior is consistent with 
> the spec.  If you start out with a long features list on a call to 
> getDOMImplementationList and start removing features, you will always 
> get the same or larger set of implementations.  It would be 
> inconsistent that removing the last feature would clear the list.  I've 
> got two tests on tap (one each for getDOMImplementation and 
> getDOMImplementationList) that I'll commit to the test suite unless 
> there are any objections.

I see.



Received on Monday, 22 March 2004 04:26:36 UTC