Re: i18n reviews of DOM 3 Core and Load&Save

Francois Yergeau wrote:
> LS1) Interface DOMParser: character normalization checking is now controlled
> by the "check-character-normalization" parameter of DOMCOnfiguration defined
> in Core. The fact that the "true" value (do check) is marked as [optional]
> (not the default, not even required to implement) is not acceptable.
> Whereas Charmod says that normalization SHOULD be checked, users are not
> even able to check if the "true" value is not implemented.  Furthermore, the
> DocumentLS.load() and loadXML() methods automatically do the wrong thing and
> have no way to do the right thing if the default is false.

Users *are* able to check if the "true" value is implemented or not. 
Using the DOMConfiguration object, a user can call 
config.canSetParameter("check-character-normalization", true), and that 
will tell them if the implementation supports character normalization 
checking. The DOM Level 3 Load and Save (and DOM Level 3 Core) specs do 
not *require* that implementations *must* support character normalization.

As for DocumentLS, that interface is no longer part of the LS spec.


Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2003 17:46:07 UTC