Re: i18n reviews of DOM 3 Core and Load&Save

On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 11:39, Francois Yergeau wrote:
> C5) CharacterData interface: are the various methods  supposed to maintain
> character normalization?  Under the control of the config of the containing
> Document? Of "strictErrorChecking"?
> The config parameters "check-character-normalization" and
> "normalize-characters" appear to be pertinent, but neither their
> descriptions nor the descriptions of the CharacterData.* methods say that
> they have any effect for these methods. 

My previous message did not address the appropriate comment (C4 instead
of C5) so please consider the text addition as a response to C5.


Received on Thursday, 18 September 2003 10:44:40 UTC