Re: DOM2-HTML: HTMLTableElement

Thomas Much wrote:
> > In HTMLTableElement there are tFoot, tHead and caption.
> > Why are they *not* readonly?
> I asked this a few days ago. OK, you can create new TFOOT, THEAD and CAPTION
> elements with document.createElement and assign them to one of the
> properties above. But then DOM2-HTML should specify what happens if one
> tries to assign a wrong element type ("raises DOMException on setting, if a
> wrong element is assigned").
> I still think these three properties should be readonly (which would go with
> the current documentation of the properties: "_Returns_ the table's
> CAPTION..."). Any comments?

If the element type is wrong, those attributes will raise a

for the DOM WG.

Received on Friday, 22 March 2002 16:22:01 UTC