Re: DOM Level 2 needs getElementById method

>NOTATION declarations interact with at least two
>things:  (1) attributes of type NOTATION, currently invisible in DOM;
>(2) unparsed ENTITY objects, currently visible in DOM.

True. But there's no DOM behavior associated with either case; the DOM has an
architected way to define a notation, to recover it, and that's all.

In suggesting getByID, we're proposing a way to recover information with no way
(yet) to either set it or derive it... in other words, a DOM behavior that a
stand-alone DOM can not support without recourse to non-DOM methods.

As I said, it's no worse than what was done with default attributes.  So if
folks Really Need It, I'd be willing to see us go out on a limb, create a
ContentModel feature (or some other name), and make
DocumentContentModel.getElementByID the first (and for now the only) method
therein. That's probably where it will belong when we start filling in the other
missing pieces... unless we declare that the Content Model is part of the DOM

I'd rather have a fully architected solution. But if folks really feel this one
method needs to be rushed into production, I won't object to being overruled.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Friday, 8 October 1999 13:30:04 UTC