Re: DOM Level 2 needs getElementById method wrote:
> > I don't see how IDs are more of a DTD issue than NOTATIONs.
> Notations, at least, are isolated -- you can set them and query them and they
> don't otherwise interact with anything else. IDs do need to so interact; to use
> them you have to be able to set the type of an attribute, which requires
> defining an attribute, which we don't currently do.

Count me confused.  NOTATION declarations interact with at least two
things:  (1) attributes of type NOTATION, currently invisible in DOM;
(2) unparsed ENTITY objects, currently visible in DOM.

Don't be canfused by the fact that DOM's partial support for NOTATIONs
doesn't support (1), a primary use -- they _do_ so interact.

- Dave

Received on Friday, 8 October 1999 12:58:32 UTC