Re: Grant of License issue

Sure, if this doesn't mean tests can be taken back in case a mishap is 
spotted. I'm not an expert on licensing issues, so this may not happen. 
(that wouldn't be possible for DOM TS that was released, for example).


On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 05:17 , Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:

> The current Grant Of License for Contributions under the W3C Software
> License states the following:
> [[
> The Contributor vouches that she/he has all rights necessary to
> contribute the Materials in a way that does not violate copyright,
> patent, and trademark rights; contractual obligations, or libel
> regulations.
> ]]
> Some companies are not willing to do a full patent search in their
> portfolio before submitting tests to the W3C. This is perfectly
> understandable when you see the costs of doing such a search. The
> current word should imho relaxed a little bit or we'll run the risk of
> excluding tests submission from some companies.
> Here is a proposal to change the current wording:
> [[
> The Contributor states to the best of his/her knowledge that use of
> his/her contribution would not infringe any of his/her patent rights or
> third party patent rights.
> ]]
> (The Contributor can be also a company, not only an individual. I think
> the current wording takes this fact into account.)
> Philippe

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2002 11:25:00 UTC