Re: Grant of License issue


I agree the wording of that grant should be improved as you suggested. I 
hope that the W3C will soon be reviewing an harmonizing the different 
grants of license.

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 11:17, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> The current Grant Of License for Contributions under the W3C Software
> License states the following:
> [[
> The Contributor vouches that she/he has all rights necessary to
> contribute the Materials in a way that does not violate copyright,
> patent, and trademark rights; contractual obligations, or libel
> regulations.
> ]]
> Some companies are not willing to do a full patent search in their
> portfolio before submitting tests to the W3C. This is perfectly
> understandable when you see the costs of doing such a search. The
> current word should imho relaxed a little bit or we'll run the risk of
> excluding tests submission from some companies.
> Here is a proposal to change the current wording:
> [[
> The Contributor states to the best of his/her knowledge that use of
> his/her contribution would not infringe any of his/her patent rights or
> third party patent rights.
> ]]
> (The Contributor can be also a company, not only an individual. I think
> the current wording takes this fact into account.)
> Philippe


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2002 11:47:43 UTC