Re: [Recap] Issues

comments inlined

On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 05:17 , Curt Arnold wrote:

> I've just revised dom3.ZIP and dom-to-xsd.xsl to add an <return> 
> element and
> remove the returns attribute on anon inner class methods and to fix a 
> late
> night typo.
[dd] Was that the xsl:choice one? I was just getting ready to submit an 
updated version, won't be necessary if you've spotted it.

> dom2.dtd and dom2.xsd have been produceable from build.xml for quite a
> while, however making a snapshot of those available on the web site is a
> good thing.  Until a release, however the definitive copy is that built 
> from
> the CVS.  I don't expect major changes to the schema, but there might be
> some.
[dd] I can make available weekly revisions from the main page. As long 
as the transform used to produce the schemata stay the way they are, not 
changes will occur. I'll put a note on the page explaining this in any 

> dom3.xsd has some serious production issues, but the hand finished 
> version
> is better than nothing.
[dd] OK, I trust Jeroen (X-Hive) has seen the link?


Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2002 11:23:31 UTC