Re: <iframe doc="">


On 1/24/10, Edward O'Connor <> wrote [1]:
> Shelley wrote [2]:
>> The point I'm trying to make is that the technical discussion was
>> short-circuited, and a change made.
> Technical discussion hasn't been short-circuited. Yes, Ian made an edit
> to the editors' draft of the spec. He does this all the time, based on
> ongoing technical feedback, on the list and elsewhere. That's his job.

I don't know what is in Ian's job description, but it is true he has
operated in fashion for as long as I have been a member of the HTML
WG. It has cause many prolonged process discussions.

Sam talked about the Commit then Review (CTR) [3] process that the
working group seems to have been operating under. Then last fall the
Chairs added the decision policy [4] to help make decisions on the
Review of the spec.

Now that we have used the policy for one decision, it certainly seems
like a good time for the Chairs to clarify the items Larry asked about

Shelley, I would encourage you to also document what you see as
problem areas with the policy so the Chairs can examine and address
them properly.

Best Regards,


Received on Sunday, 24 January 2010 22:45:56 UTC