Re: vCard RDF merge....

> peter - would you share those publicly, please?

Sure, here is my cost/benefit analysis on tel as a resource:


-- Slightly easier data integration, e.g. using SPARQL queries. However, 
how many people are doing data integration using SPARQL alone?
-- We would like to be compatible with the ontology... (or should the 
ontology be changed?)


-- Gives the illusion of a resource that you can dereference. Tom Heath 
these days is on the road with an excellent Linked Data presentation 
that explicitly advises against using non-http URIs.
-- There is not much anyone would ever want to say about a phone number, 
which would be the most common reason for making something a resource.
-- Sites owner are expected to read an RFC on how to write down a 
telephone number, and then figure out the transformation from their 
internal representation to the scheme. Not likely to happen...
-- Search engines index URIs differently than literals or not at all. In 
this case, this behaves as a literal in that I want it to be indexed.


> here is a pattern following the current yahoo recommendation:
> <> a 
> gr:BusinessEntity, commerce:Business;
>   rdfs:label "Hepp Space Ventures Inc."@en ;
>   rdfs:seeAlso <>;
>   vcard:adr <> ;
>   vcard:fn "Hepp Space Ventures Inc."@en ;
>   vcard:geo
>       [ vcard:latitude "48.0802626"^^xsd:float ;
>         vcard:longitude "11.6407428"^^xsd:float
>       ] ;
>   vcard:tel "+49-89-6004-0"^^xsd:string ;
>   vcard:url <> ;
>   foaf:depiction <> .
> <> a 
> vcard:Address ;
>   vcard:country-name "Germany"@en ;
>   vcard:locality "Neubiberg"@en ;
>   vcard:postal-code "85577"^^xsd:string ;
>   vcard:region "Bavaria"@en ;
>   vcard:street-address "1234 Hepp Road"@en .
> martin
> Renato Iannella wrote:
>> Hi all......I want to complete the vCard/RDF update soon...
>> So the question remains....are we happy to use the rdf:value+type 
>> model (which is what the 2001 note uses)?
>> If so, does this mean that we remove the homeTel Property (etc) from 
>> the ontology?
>> Renato
>> On 30 Jun 2009, at 19:17, Toby Inkster wrote:
>>> Instead of:
>>>     _:me a v:VCard ;
>>>          v:fn "Alice Smith" ;
>>>          v:workTel <tel:+44-7700-900123> ;
>>>          v:mobileTel <tel:+44-7700-900123> .
>>> It uses:
>>>     _:me a v:VCard ;
>>>         v:fn "Alice Smith" ;
>>>         v:tel [
>>>             a vx:Tel ;
>>>             rdf:value <tel:+44-7700-900123> ;
>>>             vx:usage "work" , "mobile"
>>>         ] .
>>> My primary motivation was to be able to represent the data in the hCard
>>> microformat in a way more closely related to the type+value 
>>> structure of
>>> hCard communications devices.
>>> It's not perfect (it breaks the "range" of the 2006 v:tel, v:email and
>>> v:label properties; and vx:usage should probably take a non-literal
>>> value) but perhaps some of the ideas there could be incorporated into
>>> the merged RDF vCard. In particular it should address all of the points
>>> above.
>> Cheers...  Renato Iannella

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 09:10:07 UTC