Re: +1 and argumentation style (was Re: Things in HTML that I disagree with (Was: evidence of harm))

2009/7/1 Giovanni Campagna <>:
> 2009/7/1 Danny Ayers <>:
>> 2009/7/1 Ian Hickson <>:
>>> Assuming that decisions are made based on technical grounds and not based
>>> on popularity votes, it shouldn't matter whether a position has one person
>>> supporting it or fifteen -- the stronger position should win, regardless
>>> of the number of supporters.
>> Couldn't have said it better myself.
> Isn't that a long form of "+1"?

Absolutely :-)

Sorry to be a little trollish, but I do think there is value in +1s
beyond polling. If I see a +1 to an opinion, and I trust the +1er's
opinion on related matters, I am more likely to trust the +1'd



Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2009 12:05:15 UTC