Re: Named graphs etc

On Mar 12, 2004, at 16:50, ext Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> Patrick Stickler wrote:
>> Technically, it's a trivial addition. In practice, though, it 
>> requires *every* RDF parser
>> to be updated. And since the new specs just required all the parsers 
>> to be revamped,
>> retested, etc. I don't think the parser folks would be very keen 
>> about *any* changes
>> so soon after the new specs.
> Realistically the time-to-deployment of any good ideas we have is 
> years not months ...
> And this isn't a huge change really.

True. Though I think the other arguments against a syntactic approach 
and for
a vocabulary based approach still strongly favor the vocabulary 

And uptake, given compatiblity with legacy systems/tools, will still be 
aided by
a solution that doesn't require re-tooling... so the number of years 
can still
be reduced.



Patrick Stickler
Nokia, Finland

Received on Monday, 15 March 2004 02:45:34 UTC