Re: URI for language identifiers

> After I hit 'send' I realized that my posting was unclear, sorry.

And I see this only after hitting send.  oops!

> > >
> > I don't see any URIs defined there.  I see ids defined there.  How do
> > you connect the two?
> The idea is that each <topic> element in a topic map is a surrogate for
> a subject (anything you want to talk about) and that the combination of the
> document URI and the IDs 'produces' URIs that are identifiers for the subject
> s
> that are surrogated by the <topic> elements. This is not different from the
> way RDF uses the id attribute (if I get it right).
> Aside:
> I am by now absolutely convinced that fragment identifiers should be
> avoided in URIs that are intended to be used as subject identifiers and
> I myself strongly favor URIs such as
> that might well be defined in a single huge HTML document so humans
> can look up the 'meaning' of the URIs.

Me too. issue a "303 See Other"
to an HTML document which documents it.

> But language.xtm and country.xtm are already widely used in the TM world.


    -- sandro

Received on Monday, 31 March 2003 13:38:55 UTC