Committed updates to resolution for issue 320

Amended resolution to issue 320 with text from [1]

diff -r1.55 soap12-part1.xml
<         <p diff="add">SOAP fault codes are intended for use by
<           software to provide an algorithmic mechanism for
<           identifying the fault. SOAP fault codes are organized as a
<           linked list of XML qualified names allowing a SOAP node to
<           identify the fault category at an increasing level of
<           detail of the SOAP fault.</p>
>         <p diff="add">SOAP fault codes are XML qualified names, and
>           are intended to provide a means by which faults are
>           classified. A hierarchical list of SOAP codes and
>           associated supporting information is included in every
>           SOAP fault message, with each such code identifying the
>           fault category at an increasing level of detail.</p>



Received on Sunday, 15 September 2002 19:54:30 UTC