Status of entries in edtodo

I've noticed as I've been editing the edtodo list this morning that several entries are marked 'closed' yet the editorial work is not in the spec. Please note that the edtodo is NOT an issues list. The status flags are interpreted as follows:
open - work needs to be done on the spec regarding this entry, typically because the WG has resolved an issue
closed - work on this item is complete ( the spec has been updated )
subsumed - this work item has been subsumed by some other work item.
pending - work on this item is pending WG resolution of the issue.
cancelled - work on this item has been cancelled, perhaps because an issue resolution has been reversed.
editorial - this item is classed editorial, work needs to be done on the spec to implement it.
So, bottom line, anything marked open or editorial needs to be worked on. Anything marked pending is in limbo. Things should only EVER be marked closed when the spec has been updated and the editors don't need to do any more work on that item.
Hope this makes sense

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2002 09:51:59 UTC