Re: weekly call for agenda items


At 09:50 PM 10/23/02 +0100, Brian McBride wrote:
>  o concepts doc (I'm hoping for a new doc Thursday)

How's it going (today being Thursday)?

I suggest you phone me when you're ready to hand back.


[I just thought to check www-archive:  I didn't receive your message, dunno 

Quick points:
- By all means chop long lines:  I just don't edit the HTML by hand.
- Markup points:  sure, let's discuss, but I'd like to focus primarily on 
getting the *content* right.  Relatively speaking, there's plenty of time 
to clean up the presentation:  from past experience, that gets a pretty 
thorough going over in last call anyway.

I'll plan to focus on another document (SWAD-E) until your ready to hand back.


Graham Klyne

Received on Thursday, 24 October 2002 06:07:59 UTC