Re: Alternative N3 Parsers for CWM

>   Mon, 08 Jul 2002 05:04:55 GMT
> (the $Id$ was unexpanded)

Apologies. All of the following fixes are incorporated in of $Date:
2002-07-10 05:03:50 $.

>   -- it uses pythong's urlparse, which is buggy.
> the in swap uses swap/

I've changed it so that it now uses uripath, including a pointer at the
import to

>   -- the name() routine looks odd; formulas are names?

Yes; I've been tweaking the grammar about a bit, and some of the names of
the productions are probably not best suited to their semantics. In the
case of "name", these are things which--in general--can be subjects and
objects but not predicates.

> Ugh... I'm using hyphens as name characters more and more;
> they're not allowed?

Not according to the DesignIssues document (see especially the wonderful -
to _ mapping hack), but I've reinstated them for the time being in afon.

Many thanks for your feedback.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :homepage <> .

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2002 01:08:47 UTC