Re: Non break space

> From: Laurent Carcone
> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 19:33:00 +0200

> The Ctrl-space is listed in the Help page,
> in the section 'Entering characters'.

"To enter a non-breaking space,
press Ctrl-space
This character is displayed in the
source view under the form of the
following colored character: ~"

> I don't know if it has to be present in
> the special characters toolbar.
> We'll discuss it.

Perhaps few W3C folks have noticed,
but there are a great many sites that do
not allow style sheet files and such like
to be uploaded.

For these Use Cases one must resort to
composing code the "old fashioned way":
combining Content with Presentation.

My usual approach is a Definition List,
with all formatting done by
"DT" and "DD" for indenting, and by
"DT" with _(ampersand)_nbsp_(semicolon)_
for blank lines.

So how it is that:
">> I don't know if it has to be present in
>> the special characters toolbar.",
">> We'll discuss it.",
utterly baffles me.

Thank you,
Eddie Maddox

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2008 07:17:16 UTC