Re: mail utilioty

The goal of mail sending is not to replace any mail-agent nor implement
mailto: protocol (it is not planned but it can be an idea).

The mail sending is just for announcing to a community that a ressource
have been modified.

Emilien Kia

> disappointed that mailto protocol didn't respond 
> and that Amaya does not check thesystem configuration
> normal result in a Wintel Windows system is to check
> the system settings and use what USER  wants as his 
> mail agent ... if none set then use the browser one ....
> This makes the browser USER - FRIENDLY  where the 
> user can define how things work .....  some browsers
> however force the user to dall in line and do as one is told.....
> is it that difficult to have the browser check the user settings.....
> this also gos for configurable font familys and default font size
> fairly standard stuff .....   

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 07:14:36 UTC