- From: Corne Beerse <cbeerse@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 16:44:33 +0200
- To: Irene.Vatton@inrialpes.fr
- CC: Amaya users <www-amaya@w3.org>
Irene Vatton wrote: >On Friday 19 May 2006 12:27, Corne Beerse wrote: > > >>Hello, >> >>As a fan of Amaya, I found my way ot use it trough the company-provided >>frontpage, I added it as alternate editor for html pages. I can >>right-click html-pages and select amaya which opens amaya with the page >>and off I go: add section numbering, generate a table of contents, >>change to proper formatting of code and many more tiny things. >> >>Then some other bloke started to use asp and hence I now have to edit >>asp pages. I also added amaya as alternate *.asp editor but no luck, >>amaya does not accept asp pages at all. I solve this now by altering the >>extention between asp and html. >> >>After editing asp pages with amaya and restoring the asp extention, the >>server gets in trouble. Some investigation teaches me that Amaya has >>altered the asp code. From a HTML point of view, this asp code is >>comment, hence amaya should leave it as it is. Unfortunatly, amaya >>reformats this 'comment' and hence the asp code gets mingled. >> >> >>My questions: >> >>Can amaya be updated to accept strange extentions as being html, xml or >>such? >> >> > >No problem to add .asp as a standard html extension. >Do you need to propose this suffix in the Install process? > > It is that if I open a file.asp, amaya opens it in a texteditor mode. After I rename it as file.html, amaya reads it as html and I can edit the html parts as I like. I'd like to tell amaya to handle *.asp files as html files too. > > >>Can amaya be altered not to change the formatting of comment? Either not >>at all or in combination with the previons update? >> >> > >As I know the content of the comment should not be changed in last Amaya >versions. What kind of changes did you detect? >An example should be helpful. > > Well, othere pointed to me that it was not comment, it was a tag. The origional is: -------- <% Response.Buffer = true Response.Expires = -1 ' Response.Expires MUST BE -1 for IE4 %> -------- The result is: -------- <% Response.Buffer=true Response.Expires=-1 ' Response.Expires MUST BE -1 for IE4 %> -------- The worst thing is that the origional code is at the top of the document, even before the <html> tag. After amaya saves the file, it is moved to direct after the <body> tag. I must say, I had mixed the commet tags <!...> with the <% ... %> tags, I'm sorry for that. Regards Corné Beerse
Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2006 14:44:55 UTC