Re: Prefix chars for Keybindings


Irene Vatton <> writes:

> On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 14:35:24 +0200
> Torsten Bronger <> wrote:
>> For special characters like typographic quotes, ndash, and
>> ellipsis, I defined new keybindings for Amaya.  I used Ctrl-j as
>> the prefix for all these since it hadn't been used so far.  But
>> now this seems to have changed.  Is there a recommended prefix
>> for user-defined sets of shortcuts?
> I suspect you made the change in the Amaya/config/amaya.keyboard
> file.


> You have to copy this file into your own configuration file
> ($HOME/.amaya/amaya.keyboard) to keep these changes when a new
> release is installed.
> And don't forget to remove the entry "Ctrl <Key>j:        TtcPreviousElement() "
> in your file.

Apparently this is overwritten by my C-j combinations anyway, but
this is not very clean because some users (I prepare it for a group
of people) may want to use the original C-j.  In Emacs for example,
the prefix C-c is reserved for user-defined shortcuts.  Is there a
counterpart in Amaya?


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

Received on Monday, 12 July 2004 09:22:47 UTC