Re: Pasting of Unicode characters *still* buggy

Oops! Meant to send this to, not just

--- Irene Vatton <> wrote:

> > Amaya should at least accept Unicode characters
> pasted
> > from GNOME's character map.

> A possible solution is to let the user change the
> encoding.
> There is a global variable called Default_Charset in
> the $AmayaHome/thot.rc that allows
> to force the default encoding, but there is no UI to
> change this value.
> Perhaps setting this value to UTF-8 or UNICODE-1-1
> will solve your problem?

It didn't work; I tried the values UTF-8, UNICODE-1-1,
utf-8, and unicode-1-1. BTW, in addition to changing
Default_Charset, I also changed DOCUMENT_CHARSET to 
utf-8 with Amaya's GUI.

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Received on Friday, 16 April 2004 08:34:58 UTC