Re: Unable to build Amaya 8.0 on SuSE 8.1

On Mon, 26 May 2003, Paul Cheyrou-lagreze wrote:

> Did you try the binary tgz distribution ?

Hello Paul, No, since these address Windows, Debian and Red Hat, not SuSE.
That's why I downloaded amaya-src-8.0.tgz.

> If it cannot found gtk.h, gdk.h. gdk_imlib.h, there's two possibilities :
> A) You didn't install the gtk-devel.rpm and gdk-devel.rpm that installs
> the gtk headers on your Suse

I didn't have the rpm gtk-devel-1.2.10-437 installed.  I have now
installed this.  The rpm provides:


but not gdk_imblib.h.  After some Googling I discovered that searching for
gdk_imlib.h is a popular sport.  SuSE 8.1 users will find it hidden in the
rpm imlib-devel-1.9.10-474.  It provides


I re-installed from amaya-src-8.0.tgz and successfully ran configure and
make as instructed in README.amaya. I created a link

   ln -s <whatever>/Amaya/LINUX-ELF/bin/amaya /usr/local/bin/amaya

and amaya runs!

I looked for "cookies" in the Help index and found a visual confusion -
the attached gif shows a small sample.  Is there a setting which increases
the interline spacing without increasing the font size?

Many thanks to the amaya team!

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 18:00:00 UTC