Re: Unable to build Amaya 8.0 on SuSE 8.1

> Do the Red Hat 8 rpm's work with SuSE 8.1?
Well, if suse follows closely the rpm spec, it should, but it's not the best method...
Did you try the binary tgz distribution ?

> olive:/mnt/home/amaya/Amaya/LINUX-ELF # make
> Makefile:13: Options: No such file or directory
> /bin/cp Options.orig Options
Usual the first time, this is why we copy options.orig as options

> .../../thotlib/include/thot_gui.h:174:21: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
> .../../thotlib/include/thot_gui.h:175:21: gdk/gdk.h: No such file or directory
> .../../thotlib/include/thot_gui.h:176:46: gdk/gdkkeysyms.h: No such file or directory
> .../../thotlib/include/thot_gui.h:178:69: gdk_imlib.h: No such file or directory

If it cannot found gtk.h, gdk.h. gdk_imlib.h, there's two possibilities :

A) You didn't install the gtk-devel.rpm and gdk-devel.rpm that installs the gtk headers on your Suse

B) Our Configure didn't find your gtk headers. If you have slocate on your suse, could you try a : 
#locate gtk.h
#locate gdk.h
#locate gdk_imblib.h
and then send us the output


Received on Monday, 26 May 2003 02:03:58 UTC