multikey on Unix

Thank you for your response Irene.
I neglected to mention in my first communication, that i am actually using the Unix version of Amaya under the Linux OS. Sorry about that.

I had upgraded from version 2.2, in which 'ENABLE_MULTIKEY=no' had been pre-set. I wanted to bring the fact that this line is missing from the v2.4 .thorc file to your attention because the help file in v2.4 tells the user to change the "no" in this line to "yes". I thought this could possibly cause some confusion since the entry, 'ENABLE_MULTIKEY=' doesn't exist.

I find the multikey function to be extremely useful, since i compose documents in Italian and German aswell as English. For this, i would like to thank everyone who has contributed to building the Amaya program.

bon Noel

----Original Message-----
   >To:        	"mark wilson" <>
   >Subject:    	Re: multikey 
   >Date:    	gioved� 23 dicembre 1999 11:25
   >In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 23 Dec 1999 00:07:30 +0100."
   >             <000b01bf4cd2$0428f760$61666ec3@brunellesci> 
   >> I must send this message from _Windows so i am unable to double check the
   >> line '
   >> i believe it is "ENABLE_MULTIKEY= "
   >> in any case it is missing from the .thotrc file in the 2.4 release.
   >> I typed it in myself, including "=yes", and the function works fine.
   >That's right the multi-key is available only when there is an entry 
   >"ENABLE_MULTIKEY=yes" in a configuration file.
   >The file Amaya\config\win-thot.rc gives the default configuration for
   >windows platforms and the file Amaya\users\$name\thot.rc gives the
   >specific configuration for the user $name.
   >The normal way to build your specific configuration file is to select
   >your preferences in the menu Special->Preferences.
   >For example "ENABLE_MULTIKEY=yes" is set by clicking 
   >  Irene.

Received on Friday, 24 December 1999 17:02:21 UTC