Re: Anomalous behaviour of Amaya and Jigsaw

Hello Alan,

Thanks for your report.

I've seen this problem and I now know what it is. The problem comes from
redirecting the PUT from one server to another. The lost updates protection
works fine, but not in this case. Jigedit and Apache use different etag
values. When you PUT, Jigedit returns a new etag value. But, as far as
libwww knows, the etag on hasn't changed at all. Then, the next
time you publish, libwww requests "PUT this document only if the etag
hasn't changed", but of course the etag has changed in the meantime because
the document has changed too. 

Next month, I'll make a better analysis and brainstorm if needed with Yves
and DLL to see how best to solve it.


In our previous episode, Alan Kotok said:
> Publishing prefs set to allow automatic redirection of puts to

Received on Thursday, 23 December 1999 17:05:23 UTC