Keyboard Files on Windows

I finally got part of a keyboard file working on Windows NT by noting that people kept speaking of amaya.kb, when the documentation actually says amaya.kbd. However, I still note some odd behaviours. First, Amaya seems to forget the specified user directory after a OS reboot. Second, I can't get various entries below to work, and I haven't a clue why!?

Some things, like zoom in and zoom below show up next to the menu item (a nice touch that allows me to confirm my mapping) but don't work. Other things like spell checking don't show up next to the menu item, and they obviously don't work. Interestingly, I did have the zooming in and zooming out, and the Header elements, working at some point, but subsequent changes to the file rendered them inoperative (though show next to the menu item). Finally, I can't get keysequences to work at all. 



Ctrl <Key>Home:      GotoPreviousHTML()
Ctrl <Key>End:       GotoNextHTML()
<Key>Home:	TtcPageTop()
<Key>End:	TtcPageEnd()
<Key>Up:	TtcPreviousLine()
<Key>End:	TtcPageEnd()
<Key>Escape:	TtcParentElement()
Ctrl <Key>Up:	TtcPreviousElement()
Ctrl <Key>Down:	TtcNextElement()
Ctrl <Key>Left:	TtcParentElement()
Ctrl <Key>Right: TtcChildElement()
Ctrl <Key>f:    TtcSearchText()
Ctrl <Key>n:    New()
Ctrl <Key>o:    OpenDocInNewWindow()
Ctrl <Key>r:    Reload()
Alt <Key>F4:    TtcCloseDocument()
Ctrl <Key>=:	ZoomIn()
Ctrl <Key>-:	ZoomOut()

<Key>Delete:    TtcDeleteSelection()
<Key>Return:    TtcCreateElement()
<Key>F7:        EnSpellCheck() 
Ctrl <Key>a:    CreateTarget()
Ctrl <Key>c:    TtcCopySelection()
Ctrl <Key>d:    TtcDeleteSelection()
Ctrl <Key>h:    CreateHorizontalRule()
Ctrl <Key>k:    CreateOrChangeLink()
Ctrl <Key>p:    SetupAndPrint()
Ctrl <Key>s:    SaveDocument()
Ctrl <Key>v:    TtcPaste()
Ctrl <Key>x:    TtcCutSelection()
Ctrl <Key>z:    TtcUndo()

Ctrl <Key>b:    CreateElemStrong()
Ctrl <Key>i:    CreateElemEmphasis()
Ctrl <Key>t:    CreateElemCode()
Ctrl <Key>q:    CreateBlockQuote()
Ctrl <Key>Return:       CreateBreak("\212")
Ctrl <Key>Space:        TtcInsertChar("\240")
Ctrl <Key>l, Ctrl <Key>d:	CreateDefinitionList()
Ctrl <Key>l, Ctrl <Key>o:	CreateNumberedList()
Ctrl <Key>l, Ctrl <Key>u:	CreateList()

#header elements
Ctrl <Key>1:     CreateHeading1()
Ctrl <Key>2:     CreateHeading2()
Ctrl <Key>3:     CreateHeading3()
Ctrl <Key>4:     CreateHeading4()
Ctrl <Key>5:     CreateHeading5()
Ctrl <Key>6:     CreateHeading6()

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
Policy Analyst 
XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 1999 03:35:42 UTC