Missing features/bugs, 5 of them.

1. Drag and drop image/HTML files into browser to view (and in the case
   of HTML to edit). It works in IE, Frontpage Exploder, Netscape, and
   Netscrap Composer, why not Amaya? (This might not be implementable in
   Unix/X, only Win32 platforms...oh well. Better some than none.)
2. Help doesn't provide full coverage of all aspects of Amaya2.0a that are
   non-intuitive (e.g. how to work around the lack of a symbol-entry
   palette for special characters and apparent incompatibility with
   Windows charmap. And how *do* Unixies manage it without anything even
   resembling charmap?)
3. Color browser doesn't want to open in 2.0a. E.g., in structure view,
   select a body and attribute menu, item bgcolor. You get a text entry
   dialog. Unless you're a real whiz-zoom and know hex codes off by heart
   for your favorite colors, this is worthless without a color-picker
4. Table edit is crufty in Amaya 2.0a. Specifically, one situation that
   is tricky is changing two columns on a row to two rows with one column
   each. Cut either td element. Then make a new row, paste the td into it.
   It should do what you want but fails, for Amaya pastes in your cut td,
   and then adds a second, blank td for no reason. (Stray CR/LF in the
   cut?) To make the table neat and rectangular, it adds a td on the other
   row too. This would be okay except that it adds it *before* the pre-
   existing td. Now you have a table like a checker-board. You can't
   delete either blank td. The only workaround seems to be splitting the
   whole table in two (with copy/paste) and then copying their lone
   tr/td/stuff and pasting as two rows into a *third* table and deleting
   the first two.
5. There appears to be a memory leak with image manipulations. Large leak,
   very dangerous.

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Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 21:42:24 UTC